Brown Spots and Freckles Brown spots and freckles that appear on the sun-exposed skin are either ephelides (singular: ephelis) or lentigines. The ephelis tends to disappear […]
Hand dermatitis Hand dermatitis, also known as hand eczema, refers to a common group of acute and chronic eczematous disorders that affect hands, especially the dorsal […]
World Psoriasis Day October 29th, 2020 is the World Psoriasis Day. International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA) has dedicated this day to people who live with […]
Vitiligo Vitiligo refers to the acquired depigmenting skin disorder, in which melanocytes (pigmented cells) get lost. It appears on the skin in the form of well-defined […]
Epidermoid cyst Epidermoid cyst refers to the benign cyst that appears from the upper portion of a hair follicle and is encapsulated into a thin layer […]
Non-melanoma skin Cancer Dermatology is not just clear and perfect skin. It is an everyday diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of skin cancers. There are different types […]
Dermatofibroma A dermatofibroma refers to a benign fibrous nodule which usually affects the skin of lower legs. It occurs in people of all ages; however, the […]