Close up look of cherry angioma. Courtesy of Dr. Breslavets
What is Cherry Angioma?

Close up look of cherry angioma. Courtesy of Dr. Breslavets
Cherry angioma, also known as senile angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots, is a collection of small blood vessels. Its appearance on the skin can be described as bright red, small, and circular skin growth. The condition can be caused due to genetic factors, age, pregnancy, climate, and exposure to different chemicals. However, sometimes the circumstances are unknown. It is common on face and neck. Some people report burning and aching in the area of a cluster.
One of the most effective ways of treatment of cherry angioma is laser treatment. The laser targets these vessels with energy. In return, the hemoglobin inside the veins is able to absorb the given energy and causing blood to vaporize. As a result, the vessel just disappears. Usually, 2-5 sessions are needed but each case is carefully analyzed and discussed with your dermatologist.
According to recent trials, laser and electrosurgery are both comparable in terms of clinical efficacy.
Centre for Medical and Surgical Dermatology offers unique treatment for cherry angioma through laser and electrosurgery. For more information, visit the following link: