Teledermatology: How to take appropriate photos for online appointment
Centre for Medical and Surgical Dermatology offers covered by the OHIP scheduled Virtual Dermatology (online) appointments. Along with filling in the contact form, it is recommended patient to send an appropriate picture of one’s condition prior to the online appointment.
The general tips for taking clinically relevant photos for an upcoming appointment include taking photos in an area with good lighting and without using flash feature. Zoom feature is not recommended to be used because it lowers the quality of the image. In order to focus image, simply tap the screen on the target area. Lastly, if possible, avoid taking selfies.
For any photos regardless of the condition, poor lighting, blurry images, and busy background should be avoided!
Generally, there are two types of appointment photos: distance and close-up ones. The distance images are used for location and overview. It is highly advised to take all photos on a solid or white background. The close-up images should be focused on 2-3 representative spots. The photo should be taken approximately 6-inches away. The spots should be kept in focus and target area should be framed inside the screen. Please use ruler to define the relative size of the affected area.
Photos of the face should be taken from three angles: right, front, and left. If shoulders, back, and/or chest are involved, please take photos of these affected areas as well.
For hair and scalp concerns, expose an involved scalp and use comb/pencil to show spots in dense area(s). For the close-up photos, the scalp should be kept in focus. If possible, try capturing redness and flaking. Blurry image, not fully exposed scalp, and poor lighting should be avoided.
Please remember that high-quality photos help the Dermatologist to determine diagnosis more efficiently and provide excellent care.
Centre for Medical and Surgical Dermatology offers Teledermatology appointments from Mondays to Thursdays, 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
For more information on Teledermatology, visit the following link: