Psoriasis is one of the most common inflammatory skin diseases, affecting approximately 2% of the entire population. Both men and women have equal predominance to it. Psoriasis is not infectious. However, patients who have it can have outbreaks at any age with unpredictable patterns. Its appearance on the skin can be described as pink and/or red area along with white scales. Many patients have only a few plaques but those diagnosed with moderate to severe psoriasis have a lot of plaques that cover large portions of the body.
There is no actual cure for psoriasis but there are a few very effective and efficient treatments used in clinical practice. First, there are topical treatments like creams, gels, foams, ointments. The second option is phototherapy which involves the use of ultraviolet light to clear psoriasis and then make it dormant for a period of time. Other options include so-called biologic treatments that require subcutaneous injections as well as oral treatments. New treatment options allow to achieve clear and almost clear skin in 75-80% cases within 16 weeks after the beginning of the treatment
Centre for Medical and Surgical Dermatology offers unique and personalized treatment for each patient with psoriasis. For more information about topical treatment and biologic treatment, visit the following link
For more information about phototherapy treatment, visit the following link