In present-day medicine, botulinum toxin injections (known under brands Botox (Allergan), Dysport (Galderma), and Xeomin (Merz), are widely used for various cosmetic procedures. Many people have developed […]
Hyperhidrosis is a medical term used for describing the condition of excessive and uncontrollable sweating. Sweat is a weak salt solution that is naturally produced by […]
Fragrance allergy is one form of allergic contact dermatitis caused by a fragrance chemical. Fragrances and perfumes can either be synthesized or derived from a natural extract. They […]
Terra firma-forme dermatosis refers to the benign skin disorder characterized by dirty-appearing areas on the skin. These areas are not actually dirty, but due to abnormal […]
The proper post-surgical procedure skin and wound care are essential during the recovery period: this helps to minimize the scar and improve the cosmetic outcome. Stratamed […]
Excisional biopsy is the term used for describing the removal of skin lesion(s) by completely cutting them out of the affected site. The procedure is usually […]
Cobalt is one of the most common metals that can cause contact allergy via a delayed hypersensitivity reaction. About 2% of the general population is affected […]